Having videos on your website does not only increase the time visitors spend on your website but also help you sell. Videos trigger emotions which then trigger action. It’s almost like face-to-face selling. In other words, you pitch them without actually doing anything. The only thing you need is to actually make this video in one day and then it does the work for you.

how-video-marketing-help-salesWhat kind of video should I have on my website?

There are different types of videos of course and there are many ways you can use them to your advantage. For example, if you’re branding yourself as a coach, speaker, digital marketer, blogger; you should have a video with you talking to a camera and saying something about yourself and your products.

This is the best way for visitors to get to know you and trust you. Of course, this video has to be done in a very professional way, that’s why it’s good if you have someone to film it and direct it. When I film this kind of videos, it’s important to give a speaker a direction. People don’t see themselves on the camera and they sometimes don’t hear what they say. I’m there to correct them and make sure they look their best.

If you’re a business, let’s say an SEO consultancy, digital marketing agency, design studio; you can have also introduction video where you have your CEO speaking about the company or one of the employees. But it’s more authoritative having a CEO speaking, as it should be a leader who puts themselves forward for this. For some inspiration, you can visit a digital marketing agency ClickDo which takes a big advantage with the videos I made for them.

Low quality videos won’t help you sell

A video done in a wrong way might be contra-productive, because you might actually create a distrust. And that is something you can’t take back or fix. You might look too nervous and insecure which gives the impression of you lying. That’s why I would really suggest getting in touch with me to help you with your video presentation. I’ve got almost a decade of videography experience which currently helps businesses across all London. As a freelance videographer, I get to work with different kinds of industries agencies and brands. I’m pretty sure I can help you with any kind of video you have in mind in your market.

You can also have a promotional video with shots from your office and employees. Working with clients, having case studies and showing your best work. Also explaining what you do, what’s your USP and how do you approach your projects different than other agencies.

As well as you can have an explainer video of your main services or software. The possibilities are endless. Although I would suggest using a personal touch and make a video with you or your employees in it. A personal touch goes a long way in the selling process. People buy from people, they don’t buy from explainer videos. Explainer videos are there to support your main video with you in it.

How video testimonials help you sell?

Another great way to help you sell on your website is to have video testimonials from your clients. This is a very effective way to build trust and make people want something that other people speak highly of. Ask you, clients, to give you a video testimonial and have like 3 or 4 videos on your website. A great example of videos on website increasing sales is one of my clients SCCD Training and Angel Smile Dental practice.

How to get my videos produced?

ClickDo Media is specialized in producing great website videos which highly increase your selling potential online. You can see our packages and get in touch immediately. The more you wait, the more potential customers you lose. Let’s start today.

By Nicole