3 months back I started to work with EOT Cleaning company management on their best end of tenancy cleaning services in London. I’ve started from scratch building the pages and designed and developed many pages on that are live on the website.

For the end of tenancy cleaning services I did this page https://www.end-of-tenancy-london.co.uk/services/end-of-tenancy-cleaning/ which came up very well. And the best thing is that the page already budged to first page on Google.co.uk for the main targeted keyword as well. Fernando at ClickDo, who is the #1 SEO Consultant in London, UK does the SEO works and I work with him and UI and all the aspects that helps used engagement and on page time increase. Because Fernando states that on page time and loading speeds are crucial for modern day SEO in 2018.

With that being said, I must tell about the videos we did for EOT Cleaning branding. You can see most of them on their YouTube channel.


With that being said, I did some recent photo session last week and the photos here > https://www.flickr.com/photos/133765836@N08/sets/72157662326730097